by summit.nutritionals | Oct 16, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office thanks Summit Nutritionals International ® and Caesar & Deanna DePaço for their generous donation of a Police K9. The donation of the Police K9 will allow K9 Kaos to retire after many years of dedicated service to the...
by summit.nutritionals | Sep 2, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
The Black River Falls police department lost it’s police dog earlier this year under unfortunate circumstances, but a short time later were approached with the offer to be gifted another dog and the necessary training. Officer Jeremy James took the trip out to meet...
by summit.nutritionals | Aug 29, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
2017 Summit Nutritionals...
by summit.nutritionals | Aug 14, 2017 | Press Releases
Intervenção do Sr. Consul Honorário de Portugal no Estado da Florida, Caesar DePaço (de Summit Nutritionals International) durante a sua homenagem na Madalena do Pico – Açores Entrega da primeira medalha de ouro pela Câmara Municipal da Madalena do Pico a um...
by summit.nutritionals | Aug 3, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
Chief of Police, Richard P. Larsen of Point Pleasant Police Department Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ® for their donation of a K-9 ballistic vest. 2017 Summit Nutritionals...
by summit.nutritionals | Aug 2, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço, Founder and President of Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ® have selflessly donated the funds necessary for the purchase of a Police K-9 Unit to provide bomb detection services for the Borough of Point...