by summit.nutritionals | Jul 28, 2017 | Press Releases
Caesar DePaço, cônsul honorário de Portugal em Palm Coast, na Flórida, entregou, ontem, um donativo de 5 mil euros à Obra Social Madre Maria Clara. O diplomata, homenageado pelo Município a semana passada, visitou a instituição, acompanhado pelo Presidente da Câmara...
by summit.nutritionals | Jul 17, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
Today, the Coastal Florida PBA conferred an honorary membership upon Dr Caesar DePaço of Summit Nutritionals International ®; in recognition of his continued support and generosity toward our members, and towards the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. A...
by summit.nutritionals | Mar 15, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
2017 Summit Nutritionals...
by summit.nutritionals | Feb 11, 2017 | Philanthropy, Press Releases
PERU – Meet Fargo and Darro. They’re the newest K9 officers at the Peru Police Department. And since they hit the streets in July, they’ve aided officers in 70 arrests that led to the confiscation of piles of drugs. The department this week released statistics related...