



Hunterdon County Prosecutor Anthony P. Kearns, III, held a small ceremony today to introduce the newest K9 Officer of the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office K9 Unit. The 20 month old German Shepard from Czechoslovakia was generously donated by Dr. Ceasar DePaço and his wife, Deanna Padovani-DePaço, of Summit Nutritionals International Inc. The DePaço’s have traveled across the United States donating dogs to police K9 units.


According to Prosecutor Kearns, “It is a rich tradition in law enforcement to name new K9 officers after deceased police officers. I am proud to announce the name of our newest K9 Officer will be McGinley, “Mac” for short. The K9 is named for Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office Detective Matthew McGinley who died in January of 2016 at the age of 49 years old. This is a small gesture to commemorate the service of Detective Matthew McGinley to the residents of Hunterdon County and the state of New Jersey.”

Prosecutor Kearns, added, “Matt faithfully served the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office for eight years.  Prior to that, he served as a Patrolman with the Holland Township Police Department from 2003 to 2008 and as a Class II Special with the Clinton Township Police Department. He also served the community as a life member of the Clinton First Aid and Rescue Squad. Matt’s entire adult life was spent serving the people of Hunterdon. We were very happy to be joined today by Detective McGinley’s five year old son, Ian McGinley, as we honor his father.”

K9 Officer Mac and Handler Detective Edward Pawlick are currently attending the State Police Scent Detection Class and will specialize in the detection of explosive materials. Upon completion of scent detection training, Mac and Detective Pawlick will also attend the State Police Patrol Class which includes training in tracking and criminal apprehension. Mac is the K9 Unit’s second K9 officer, their first K9 officer, Finn, has been serving in the unit since June of 2015.

Prosecutor Kearns concluded, “I would like to thank Dr. DePaço and Deanna Padovani-DePaço for their generosity and continued support of law enforcement. The addition of K9 Officer Mac will allow us to expand our K9 capabilities and offer greater service to the citizens of Hunterdon County.”


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