
Last night at the Township meeting Chief Philip Meehan and Mayor Scott Aagre recognized Dr. Caesar DePaço, Mrs. Deanna Padovani-DePaço and Summit Nutritionals International for their generous support of our K-9 Program. During the last 3 years the DePaco’s have fully funded the cost of acquiring K-9 Bane and K-9 Rico. They are special friends and supporters to not only Hazlet Police but all law enforcement officers across the nation. It was great that the DePaco’s could participate in the swearing in of our newest K-9 Rico.

In total they have donated 85 police canine dogs as well as equipment to agencies in need. Freeholder Sue Kiley recognized their support as well with a proclamation making April 16 the “Dr. Caesar DePaço and Mrs. Deanna Padovani-DePaço Day” in Monmouth County. We thank them again for providing this great resource to our Hazlet community! 


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