Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ®
sponsored the
5th Classic Golf Tournament for the PACC Scholarship
All proceeds benefitted the PACC (Portuguese American Cultural Center) Scholarship fund. The tournament consisted of 2 days of the North versus the South. Players from the Northern United States of Portuguese decent played against players from the Southern United States of Portuguese decent.
Thursday, October 15th, 2015 – Ocean Hammock Golf Course
Friday, October 16th, 2015 – Plantation Bay (The Prestwick Course)
Saturday, October 17th, 2015 – Plantation Bay Country Club (The West / North Courses) This day was open to benefactors who cooperated with the scholarship.

From left to right: Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Commander Chris Sepe, Mr. Eddie Branquinho, Flagler County Fire Marshall, Joe King & Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Deputy Kenny Gonçalves.